Friday, April 27, 2012

(Day -1) My Final Day as an Over Indulging Fat Girl!

I have never been a "blogger" or one to really even talk about myself, but here goes!
All my life I have struggled with my weight. The older I got, the bigger I got. 2 kids didn't help with anything either! At 30, I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Talk about scary crap, although at the time, I didn't realize just how serious it was. It was never something I really took seriously. I would take a pill here and there to try to "control" this disease but couldn't wouldn't take it regularly. When I got pregnant with Itty Bitty, I was placed on insulin, but as soon as she was born I slacked off on that too. Recently I had an epiphany. I took a good long look at my life, my health, and most importantly, my children. I wanted to live for my kids. I NEEDED to live for my kids!
 A lifelong friend called me the other day to talk about some products he sells, and uses himself. Herbalife. He told me about his struggle with his weight, how his products work and how he lost over 90 lbs in less than a year. We talked about my diabetes and how he though his products could help me. I decided to give it a shot. We ordered French Vanilla Formula 1 shake, Wild Berry Formula 1 shake, Peach Herbal Concentrate (tea), Formula 2 multi-vitamin, and Formula 3 Cell Activator. It sounds like alot but the way its broken down, it seems like a very easy plan to follow. Guess we'll see cause my products arrived today. I can't wait til tomorrow to get started. I hope to one day be a diet regulated diabetic. No longer dependant on pills or insulin. Tomorrow starts a new day and a new life!
Wish me luck!!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck Jen!!! Tony was with me last night and we discussed the same things and yes your name came up.. I guess we start our journey to better health together... Im going to give it a shot as well and started mine this morning... Let's do this GIRL!!! Im proud of you and your right.. I need to live for my babies too!!! All the luck on your journey and we will be each others support!!!

