Wednesday, May 23, 2012

(Day 26) Where does the time go?

Day 26
Weight: Nope!
Lbs +/-: -0.4lbs

I can not believe it has been 3 weeks since I have attempted to update my blog. Man, life sure moves fast. So many things have been going on in my life that the computer has been a distant friend. But things are finally starting to look up!

Shon and I finally have new (to us) vehicles!  I believe the devil was testing our faith. It's funny how both cars go out on the way to church....2 weeks in a row! Nothing like being down 2 cars with 2 people needing to get to work and school. Shon got a truck that he wanted and I finally got the minivan I have been needing! Now I just need to sign Stink up for soccer! ;)

A couple weeks ago, I took Itty Bitty for her 9 months check up. She is an enormous 15lbs 4oz.
Olivia at the Zoo in March

Such a difference from her 2lbs 9oz when she was born.

Olivia just a few days old

It seems that Olivia has been having issues with her blood platelets being low. We knew this was going on in the NICU but at that time was told it was an effect of being born so early and would correct itself. Apparently that wasn't the case. In February she contracted RSV and was put in the hospital for a few days. When they did blood work, it showed her platelets were low then but nothing was ever said or done about it. Her pediatrician just happened to look over her labs while at her check up and discovered this. So she has been having weekly labs to check her counts (which are slowly climbing but still very low). I just want to know why.

On a good note, Hayden graduated preschool! They had a wonderful little program where the kids sang and danced and made all the moms cry. Ok so at least one mom cried. *points fingers at herself* Twice! 

The little caps are so stinkin cute!
Hayden's Preschool Graduation 2012

Harvard here we come! HA!

So between vehicles, blood work, graduations (PS Congrats Cody and Brittany! WHS 2012), the garden/flowers and life itself, I have been one busy Momma! Hopefully things can slow down a bit cause this girl wants to do some more fishin! Wish me luck!

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